Cross-border information (English)

Sea basin strategy documents are the legal solution chosen by France to address the requirements of two European framework directives :
- Directive 2008/56/EC of June 17th, 2008 known as

(MSFD) ;
- Directive 2014/89/EU of July 23rd, 2014 known as (MSPD).

Because of its scope, the Mediterranean sea basin strategy document has been drafted in cooperation with stakeholders, submitted to the public and assessed by the Environmental Authority.

Should this steps be over, and according to MSPD and French legal framework, « Member states bordering marine waters shall cooperate with the aim of ensuring that maritime spatial plans are coherent and coordinated accross the marine region concerned », that is to say the Western Mediterranean Sea (MSPD, art. 11). Both Ministries for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition and for Europe and Foreign Affairs make sure that such plans are transmitted to Member states bordering the Western Mediterranean Sea.

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