In English

The 16th conference on medicine for seafarers will be held in Marseille, France on the 27th and 28 th of September 2012.

This symposium focusses on health issues concerning professional seafarers and medicine exercised at sea.

This year’s topics are :

  • Health and safety while working at sea
  • Work accidents at sea : from prevention to healthcare
  • Fire on board toxicology
  • Updates in occupational medicine for seaworkers including presentations on work in hyperbaric condition and travel medicine.

The conference is organised by the medical service for seaworkers of the french ministry for substainable development. Medical professionals interested in maritime medicine and representatives of the main maritime french entreprises and of the seaworkers unions usually attend this conference.

Marseille is a multicultural city located on the mediterranean sea and has many touristic wonders. The Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Navigation (national school of the merchant marine) will host the conference.

The event is free. More information can be found


An invitation can be obtained by sending an e-mail to :
or by writing to :
. Service de santé des gens de mer
. Direction des affaires maritimes
. Grande arche de la défense
. 92055 La Défense cedex France

Conference language is French.

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