Impact of yachting
The over-crowding of yachts can be particularly harmful if not properly managed. When a deadweight mooring or anchor is dropped, seagrass meadows are heavily damaged. While mooring, the action of the chain underwater destroys the remaining living seagrass.
Many hectares of posidonia seagrass are destroyed every year.
Video (project GIREPAM – OEC – Andromede Oceanologie ) : ⚠️ <html></html>
Video MEDPAN :
⚠️ <html></html>
Photographie réalisée pour l’Office de l’Environnement et de la Corse dans le cadre du projet Girepam
The Posidonia seagrass is sometimes called the « lung of the Mediterranean sea » and is strictly protected. The Posidonia seagrass has multiple ecological functions, such as acting as a nursery, shelter and feeding areas for marine fauna, protection against erosion, oxygen producer and carbon sink. These flowering marine plants are found in shallow water and up to a depth of 40 meters. They only grow a few centimetres per year and once destroyed they cannot be restored (given the current state of knowledge).
To know the location of marine habitats and the impact of mooring on the french mediterranean sea :
More information :
Examples of solutions
Video Longue Vue : ⚠️ <html></html>